Friday, May 1, 2020

Why A Morning Routine is Key

Do You Have A Morning Routine?

Do you have a morning routine? Having a morning routine is key to being successful in life. I have been reading The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod and it is all about the importance of starting your day off right.

Why Should You Have A Morning Routine?

Having a morning routine has many benefits such as less stress and setting yourself up for success in accomplishing what it is you set out to accomplish each day. If you struggle getting things done that you set out to do one thing that might help is implementing a morning routine. 

Tips for Getting Started With A Morning Routine

Getting started is easy. You just have to get started! The main tip I have is to set an alarm and stick to it. A second tip is to set your intentions for the next day the night before. Time blocking can also be an organizational tip that helps. 

Some Key Points About A Successful Morning Routine

The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod goes into detail about morning routines that successful people use. The biggest point I have is that you have to find a morning routine that works for you. Each person is unique and each person will have their own routine that works for them. While the book as well as other books and people all have their suggestions, you ultimately have to find something that works for you. So how about it? Are you adjusting your morning routine at all to be more successful? 

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