We started this month with some goals and now we are ending the challenge with some goals for the new month. I feel pretty good about the goals I set out for at the beginning of August. I enjoyed doing some informative Periscopes through weekly short scope series. I completed the Savvy Sexy Social Vlog Everyday in August challenge for 2016 on my Amanda D. business page using Facebook Live. I completed this blogging challenge created by Amanda Smith of Spark Within Me Blog and did so by doing mostly daily posts and on time, only having to catch up a couple times.
For September, my goal is to continue to try to post to this blog at least a couple of times a week. I also would like to do some more Facebook Live content. I will continue to do short scope series on Periscope to inform my viewers. I have to catch up by adding some of my replay videos to YouTube and then re-purposing them for my blog posts. Looking forward to a new month and the start to the fall season.
On another note, I would like to mention that September will mean a new job for me as well. I hinted at this in a post recently and I decided since I am announcing it that I would go ahead and announce it here as well. I will now be a Private Kindergarten teacher in a new facility than the one I was working in as an early childhood educator. I am excited to begin this new journey!
This challenge was created by Amanda Smith of Spark Within Me--https://sparkwithinme.wordpress.com/ Thanks Amanda for creating the challenge! I have enjoyed participating!
This blog is where I'll be posting some stories about my life as well as other random posts. The purpose of the blog is for people to get to know me and hopefully some times people will laugh at what I post. :-)
Wednesday, August 31, 2016
Tuesday, August 30, 2016
August Favorites Day 30 of the #SWMBlogChallenge
So my take on this topic is to share some of my favorite things about August. I feel that August is a transition month. The transition from the summer into the fall and new beginnings. Each season you can start anew and begin again. Something that was my favorite part of this August has actually been this Blog Challenge because it has allowed me to stay consistent on my Blog and I have actually stuck to posting almost daily this month which has been amazing! I will try to be better about holding myself accountable as we go into the Fall. Thanks to Amanda Smith for creating this challenge for us! I have enjoyed getting to know some of the other participants better and I hope they have enjoyed getting to know me better as well!
This challenge was created by Amanda Smith of Spark Within Me--https://sparkwithinme.wordpress.com/
This challenge was created by Amanda Smith of Spark Within Me--https://sparkwithinme.wordpress.com/
Monday, August 29, 2016
High and Low Moments of August 2016 #SWMBlogChallenge Day 29
This month has actually been a fairly normal month for me. I haven't really had any low moments to be honest so I can't really elaborate on that. I have had a couple of great things happening though! I am not ready to share the news, but stay tuned as I hope to share it soon but I will give you a hint that it has to do with my career! I have also spent some quality time with friends and family this month. One low is that the end of August means the end of the Summer and I truly cannot believe that summer is almost complete. I feel like the summer flew by without me getting some things done that I hoped to get done.
This challenge was created by Amanda Smith of Spark Within Me--https://sparkwithinme.wordpress.com/
This challenge was created by Amanda Smith of Spark Within Me--https://sparkwithinme.wordpress.com/
Sunday, August 28, 2016
Day 28 of the #SWMBlogChallenge Summer Recap 2016
This summer has truly flown by! I have spent most of it working and trying to relax on the weekends. I have gone to the Outer Banks for the weekend three times and will be going one more time before the season closes. I only made it to my apartment pool once. I attended a baby shower and a wedding. I navigated living in a new area that I moved to in April, but now I feel comfortable living here and it is truly becoming my home. Overall, a nice relaxing summer that has gone by way too fast!
This challenge was created by Amanda Smith of Spark Within Me--https://sparkwithinme.wordpress.com/
Saturday, August 27, 2016
Day 27 of the #SWMBlogChallenge Favorite Time of Year
My favorite time of year is all year. There is something about each season that I enjoy. Winter I enjoy a nice snow day and staying cuddled up in front of the fireplace or just wrapped in a blanket with a cup of hot chocolate and a good book or movie. During the spring, I love all of the flowers blooming and how pretty the season is and also how seasonable it is outside not too cold and not too hot. During the summer, I enjoy going to the beach and spending some time on vacation. And for the fall I enjoy the more seasonable weather not too hot and not too cold as well as the fall scents and fall leaves. I cannot pick just ONE time of year because like I said there is something I enjoy about each of the seasons.
This challenge was created by Amanda Smith of Spark Within Me--https://sparkwithinme.wordpress.com/
Friday, August 26, 2016
Five Places I wish to Visit Day 26 of the #SWMBlogChallenge
1) Boston, Massachusetts (The history is amazing and I hear this is a wonderful place on the historical list to visit.)
2) Hawaii (beaches, enough said)
3) Europe basically everywhere (France, Italy, England, Scotland, Spain, etc.)
4) California
5) Universal Studios Florida for the Harry Potter Land because I MUST make it there before it closes
This challenge was created by Amanda Smith of Spark Within Me--https://sparkwithinme.wordpress.com/
2) Hawaii (beaches, enough said)
3) Europe basically everywhere (France, Italy, England, Scotland, Spain, etc.)
4) California
5) Universal Studios Florida for the Harry Potter Land because I MUST make it there before it closes
This challenge was created by Amanda Smith of Spark Within Me--https://sparkwithinme.wordpress.com/
Thursday, August 25, 2016
Day 25 #SWMBlogChallenge Fall Television...
So to be honest, I haven't even really looked into what new shows are coming out. The past couple years I tried to stay away from getting into new television shows since I watch too many already and some already conflict with each other. I will say I am looking forward to the return of my favorites though. My favorites are Supernatural, Vampire Diaries, The Originals, Bones, and Grey's Anatomy. I'm not sure when it is returning but I am ready for Shadowhunters to return as well. I used to watch a whole lot more shows but I think that is most of them at this time. I do watch MasterChef and MasterChef Jr and I assume a junior version will premiere at some point this fall. That's pretty much it for me in the television world at this time. What television shows are you looking forward to?
This challenge was created by Amanda Smith of Spark Within Me--https://sparkwithinme.wordpress.com/
This challenge was created by Amanda Smith of Spark Within Me--https://sparkwithinme.wordpress.com/
Wednesday, August 24, 2016
Day 24 of the #SWMBlogChallenge My Daily Routine
6:00am--Alarm goes off and I get up
6:05-6:30ish am--Eat breakfast, drink coffee, check Social Media and the PeriGirls Heart Tribes 2.0 Slack group, check in with my PeriGirls Heart Tribes 2.0 Tribe
6:30-7:00 am--Finish getting ready for work.
7:00 am-7:15am--Leave for work
8:00 am--Arrive at work
8:00 am-2:00pm--Changing lives by teaching the next generation
2:00 pm-3:00pm--"Lunch" break and I usually use this time to check into Slack again and check Social Media as well as run errands
3:00 pm-5:00pm--Changing more lives by teaching the next generation
5:00 pm--Leave work to go home
6:00 pm--Arrive home
6:00 pm-7:00pm--Depending on the day, I try to get dinner done during this time, sometimes watch television, and also will check into Social Media yet again
7:00pm--I try to get my Periscope Live Streams done around this time as well as my daily Blog Posts for this challenge
8:00 pm - 10:00 pm--Get ready for bed, get more things done including watching Periscope, watching television, reading, etc. Whatever I still need to get done for the day
10:00 pm--Bed time
This challenge was created by Amanda Smith of Spark Within Me--https://sparkwithinme.wordpress.com/
6:05-6:30ish am--Eat breakfast, drink coffee, check Social Media and the PeriGirls Heart Tribes 2.0 Slack group, check in with my PeriGirls Heart Tribes 2.0 Tribe
6:30-7:00 am--Finish getting ready for work.
7:00 am-7:15am--Leave for work
8:00 am--Arrive at work
8:00 am-2:00pm--Changing lives by teaching the next generation
2:00 pm-3:00pm--"Lunch" break and I usually use this time to check into Slack again and check Social Media as well as run errands
3:00 pm-5:00pm--Changing more lives by teaching the next generation
5:00 pm--Leave work to go home
6:00 pm--Arrive home
6:00 pm-7:00pm--Depending on the day, I try to get dinner done during this time, sometimes watch television, and also will check into Social Media yet again
7:00pm--I try to get my Periscope Live Streams done around this time as well as my daily Blog Posts for this challenge
8:00 pm - 10:00 pm--Get ready for bed, get more things done including watching Periscope, watching television, reading, etc. Whatever I still need to get done for the day
10:00 pm--Bed time
This challenge was created by Amanda Smith of Spark Within Me--https://sparkwithinme.wordpress.com/
Tuesday, August 23, 2016
Day 23 of the #SWMBlogChallenge Tips for a Beginner Blogger...
I have been working on a series for Blogging 101 with information for beginning bloggers. I will be doing more posts on this topic and embedding some videos that I have done on the topic. In the mean time you can check out what I have on my "Free Blogging 101 Tips" page by CLICKING HERE! My biggest tip for a beginning Blogger is to BE YOU! People want to follow authentic people and that is really what Blogging is about sharing you, your life, your stories, your expertise to gain a following. It is called Branding Yourself! That is something that is key to gaining a following on your Blog!
This challenge was created by Amanda Smith of Spark Within Me--https://sparkwithinme.wordpress.com/
This challenge was created by Amanda Smith of Spark Within Me--https://sparkwithinme.wordpress.com/
Monday, August 22, 2016
Day 22 of the #SWMBlogChallenge My Life Motto
So my life motto is pretty simple. Try your best! I know you hear this all the time right? But seriously, just always try your best! At least you tried and when you put forth your best effort great things will usually come! Something else I try to live by is live life one day at a time. Again, you hear this all the time right? Seriously, though it is so much less stressful to live life one day at a time and not focus on the past or future but focus on the present and what is happening in the present and taking things one day at a time.
This challenge was created by Amanda Smith of Spark Within Me--https://sparkwithinme.wordpress.com/
This challenge was created by Amanda Smith of Spark Within Me--https://sparkwithinme.wordpress.com/
Day 21 of the #SWMBlogChallenge...Best Way to Stay Organized
So when I DO stay organized, the best way that I do it is to write everything down and sometimes write it down more than once. I will use sticky notes to make To-Do lists and check them off. I will write things in a calendar, I will put reminders into my Google calendar which is linked to my phone, I will write things in a day planner (although I am not very good at keeping a planner currently). Bottom line for me to BEST stay organized I must write down things to do, things I wish to accomplish, etc. It's all in the power of written word/notes.
This challenge was created by Amanda Smith of Spark Within Me--https://sparkwithinme.wordpress.com/
This challenge was created by Amanda Smith of Spark Within Me--https://sparkwithinme.wordpress.com/
Sunday, August 21, 2016
Teaching 101: Planning the First Days of School
This article sets out six steps that you can do to plan your first days of school and make the most of them. This is simply written from my own experiences and knowledge and only meant to be a bit of guideline as well as some advice from someone who has teaching experience under their belts. There is also several very wonderful programs and books out there with information on planning the first days of school as well as most school systems and schools will give you some sort of training when you first start the job prior to your first day in the classroom. Below each paragraph will be a short video explanation that will give you a little more detail as to what I am meaning. Check back to see these videos once they are posted. :-)
Start by Picturing Your Ideal Classroom
The very first thing that you should do when preparing for a new school year or a new teaching job if you are in early childhood or a year round program is to picture your ideal classroom. How do you want the layout of the room to be? What management strategy or strategies do you plan to use? What would the ideal day in your classroom look like? What routines and procedures do you want to put into place? Etc. Write down what you want your ideal classroom to look like somewhere that you can refer back to it. It is important to have in mind your ideal classroom so that you know what things you will need to do leading up to the start of the year/your first day as well as the routines and procedures that you will need to put into place from day 1. I would then create a To Do list that you can check off tasks once they are done for things leading up to the first day of school, things you wish to accomplish on the first day with your students, and things that you wish to have established by the end of the first week.
Draft a Classroom Management Plan
The second thing that you should do is draft a classroom management plan. This can be as detailed as you like since it will most likely be for your eyes only unless your school requires that they see something. You want to have in mind that ideal classroom that you wrote about while writing your plan. What rules do you want for the students? Are you going to have the students help you draft the rules? What routines do you want in place such as how to walk in line in the hallway (for younger students) and what students should do upon arriving in your classroom (for all ages)? Also, this is where you think about your classroom arrangement and what the ideal arrangement would be for you keeping in mind you want to be able to see the students at all times and how you plan to run the classroom as far as individual and group work and also what type of classroom it is as far as what you are teaching.
Arrange the classroom for efficiency
Once you have decided how you want to arrange your classroom, you want to go ahead and put that arrangement into place. In today's world many teachers have to share space so either work with the other teachers that will be sharing the space to arrange the room or figure out how to make the most of the permanent arrangement since you do not have the flexibility to move the furniture itself as the space is not your own. I recommend working with the other teachers if at all possible to reach a compromise that works for all of you. With classroom arrangements you want to think about what would make the classroom the most effective classroom for you and your students. There are several classroom arrangement ideas out there and a simple internet search will bring up several images to choose from if you are struggling to come up with something on your own.
Decorate your classroom walls
Once the arrangement is in place you need to decide what you would like on the walls of the classroom. It is proven that students of all ages do better in a room with some eye catching displays either on the wall itself or a bulletin board then a plain white space. You want to think about the ages of the students you will be working with and what your curriculum is as well as how you can incorporate student work and student information in your classroom. Some examples from early childhood and elementary include having a family picture area where you display pictures of the child's family or possibly a student of the week area where each student in the class will get a chance to share more about him or her self. You also may want to display student artwork or work on the wall. In early childhood most of our wall is covered with student artwork. With older students you may want a multiplication chart on the wall or some motivational posters. Really you are at liberty to decorate your walls however you wish within the guidelines of the school, but you also want to think about how you can incorporate the students since they will feel like it is more of a family atmosphere and that they are part of your classroom if they are included in some way. It also helps to have subject specific areas especially in an elementary classroom where you teach everything and have all of the science posters together, all of the math, all of the language arts, etc.
Introduce yourself with a welcome letter
For younger students this letter will most likely be for the parents, but if your students are old enough to read it is nice to have a letter for them as well. It may be you write one letter and address it to both your students and their parents. As a teacher you are working in partnership with your students and their families and in some cases with other teachers. Teaching is all about team work. The most effective teachers are able to work with families to provide the most effective education for each child (student). Even if your students are adults you are still working with these adults to provide the best education for them. When I was in college, I worked with my professors to ensure I was getting what I needed from them. I was always the student that asked questions and participated in classroom discussions and gave my input and that's probably part of the reason I ended up graduating Magna Cum Laude and also had a perfect GPA in my original graduate work for my Masters in Teaching. I also established really great relationships with my teachers growing up as well as my college professors and it is because we worked as a team and when I was younger I know my parents took part in my education as well. Yes, some parents could appear to care less or are unsure of how to take part in their child's education and that is why as the teacher you need to make all efforts possible to work with them to provide the best education for their children. Your welcome letter is usually very brief introducing yourself such as your educational experience, your hobbies (if appropriate to share), your families, etc. You then should set out to explain a little about what is going to happen in your classroom. For older classes this "Letter" could even be part of your syllabus for the year or semester. Something great to include is classroom schedules, expectations, etc. If you are unsure of what to include most administration and teams of teachers will help you in drafting the perfect letter.
First Day Tips
So the first day is here! Wow! You are probably nervous and that is okay because chances are your students are nervous too! The first day is usually about building relationships and establishing routines and less about curriculum although you definitely will probably start introducing your curriculum in some way before the day is over. On the first day you should start your day by sharing yourself with your students and getting to know them. A great way to do this is with an icebreaker game of some sort. Obviously with super young students in early childhood that are nonverbal or have limited speaking skills just welcoming them and their parents into your classroom with a smile and good morning makes a HUGE impact and first impression especially with the parents. This is where circle time comes into play as well. Even with one year old students I have a very brief circle time that lasts about three minutes but we start it with a little song where we say their names and good morning/wave hello to each other. Then, once the welcome portion is over with older students you want to establish some classroom rules (usually very basic, very brief rules). Any students old enough to understand there are some basic guidelines can have rules. Obviously older students would have more detailed rules then younger students but students as young as two can have classroom rules. Younger than two it is usually on the spot reminding them what is appropriate and what isn't appropriate and even with two and up through early elementary you will have to have these discussions from time to time about what is appropriate and what isn't appropriate in the classroom. When the students are able to have some sort of part in this rule creation that is great! Even a two year old can tell you in some form to be nice to each other when you ask the right questions while forming your rules. Then, once you have your welcome and rules out of the way it is important to start establishing procedures and routines. Show your students what is expected of them. Again with younger students it may be following the classroom schedule as best as you can while incorporating first day activities. With older students it may be showing them what is expected when they first walk in in the morning. With older, younger students it may be showing them how they are expected to walk in the hallway. You will know what sorts of things you want your students to know and practice and you want to start doing this from day 1 in the classroom.
For more Teaching 101 Tips visit my page by CLICKING HERE
Saturday, August 20, 2016
Day 20 of the #SWMBlogChallenge I am thankful for...
There is a lot I am thankful for in life. I am thankful that I have a roof over my head, an income, food and do not lack access to food, a loving family, and a wonderful network of friends. I am also thankful that I found Periscope, the PeriGirls and PeriNewbies groups and the Heart Tribes 2.0 subset of PeriGirls because these networks have brought me value, laughter, and friends through social media!
This challenge was created by Amanda Smith of Spark Within Me--https://sparkwithinme.wordpress.com/
This challenge was created by Amanda Smith of Spark Within Me--https://sparkwithinme.wordpress.com/
Day 19 of the #SWMBlogChallenge Pinterest to Reality Project
This challenge was created by Amanda Smith of Spark Within Me--https://sparkwithinme.wordpress.com/
Thursday, August 18, 2016
Day 18 of the #SWMBlogChallenge What makes me unique?
What makes me unique? I am me. That's it. Each and everyone of us is unique because we are ourselves. There is not another me out there just like there is not another you out there. Everyone is unique and irreplaceable. So what makes me unique? Just what I said...I am me. I really don't have much else to add to that other than if you want to learn more about me be sure to follow this Blog as most of the posts are related to my life and also be sure to check out the About Me area. You can also follow me on various social medias by looking at the right sidebar and the badges that are displayed there. Thanks for reading as always!
This challenge was created by Amanda Smith of Spark Within Me--https://sparkwithinme.wordpress.com/
This challenge was created by Amanda Smith of Spark Within Me--https://sparkwithinme.wordpress.com/
Wednesday, August 17, 2016
Day 17 #SWMBlogChallenge Favorite Blogs to Follow
So I'll be honest I don't really follow a whole lot of blogs at this time. I have enjoyed following Amanda Smith (the creator of this blog challenge) at her blog Spark Within Me at sparkwithinme.wordpress.com. Two other women who are participating in the challenge that I have started following are Julie Jordan Scott at Julie Unplugged at http://juliejordanscott.typepad.com/julie_unplugged/ and Lauren Gratenstein at https://apachemagic.wordpress.com/. These ladies are amazing!
Tuesday, August 16, 2016
Day 16 #SWMBlogChallenge Summertime Wardrobe Favorites
By far my answer to this question of summertime wardrobe favorites is my flip flops. Flip Flops are my life in the summer. The pair pictured here I bought from Avon last summer and they have been my go to pair both last year and this year and they will be most likely the go to pair until they run down and I have to get new ones. I absolutely love flip flops and letting my feet breathe in the summer. They may not be the best to walk in long distances but boy are they comfortable!
This challenge was created by Amanda Smith of Spark Within Me--https://sparkwithinme.wordpress.com/
This challenge was created by Amanda Smith of Spark Within Me--https://sparkwithinme.wordpress.com/
Monday, August 15, 2016
Day 15 of the #SWMBlogChallenge Monday Motivation
So it just so happens today is a very special Monday! It marks five years since I started my Avon Business! I cannot believe it has been five years! So crazy! So that in itself is motivation to keep going and keep growing. I also did a Periscope video today on motivation and shared how you have to stop wishing and start doing (a quote I stumbled upon last night) and boy is that so true! If you don't actually take action to work towards making those wishes come true then they will never come true! So get out there and take some action! I also discussed how besides motivational quotes, motivational songs and my goals can also drive me to be motivated to get something done as well as watching Kid President and others on YouTube and Periscope.
Sunday, August 14, 2016
Day 14 of the #SWMBlogChallenge New Years Resolutions Check-In...
Wow how is it August 14th already? So this one is an easy and quick one for me. I don't make new years resolutions and it's because I know I will never keep them. So I didn't make any new years resolutions. I will instead do a quick check-in on my August goals. So far I have done well keeping up with the Spark Within Me Blog Challenge! Woo hoo! I have also done well keeping up with the SSS Vlog Every Day challenge on my FB Live (only missing two days this weekend but then I caught up today)! And I am keeping up with my Periscope goals as well. So I am super proud of so far keeping up and hope as I go into the second half of the month that the same holds true.
This challenge was created by Amanda Smith of Spark Within Me--https://sparkwithinme.wordpress.com/
This challenge was created by Amanda Smith of Spark Within Me--https://sparkwithinme.wordpress.com/
Saturday, August 13, 2016
Days 12 and 13 of the #SWMBlogChallenge Something I miss and Something I look forward to...
The topics for August 12th & 13th were to share something you miss and something you look forward to in your life. Since I missed posting on the 12th and since these topics were related I decided to go ahead and combine them into one post. :-)
First let me answer something that I miss. Something I miss is the simplicity of childhood. As a child, you don't have to worry about adult things like bills and work and life. You can live pretty care free and enjoy your time however you wish watching tv, playing video games, hanging out with friends, etc while the adults in your life worry about the adult things like finances and getting food on the table and a living space, etc. Sometimes I wish I could be a kid again, but then I remember how as an adult I have the freedom to do mostly what I want within reason. Sometimes us adults just don't want to worry about "adulting". What I truly miss is the simplicity of things.
As far as something I look forward to, the main thing I look forward to at this point in my life is getting married and starting a family. I hope for this to happen in the next three years (by the time I turn 30) and I do have a prospect in my current relationship. Nothing is written in stone yet or planned but I see some things coming together.
This challenge was created by Amanda Smith of Spark Within Me--https://sparkwithinme.wordpress.com/
Thursday, August 11, 2016
Day 11 #SWMBlogChallenge Post inspired by the 11th image for a random word
The 11th image when I search "Leader" on Google images that comes up is an image with chess pieces. They are arranged in a line and the King is in front of a group of Pawns. I'm not sure I totally agree with this image of a Leader. To me a leader is someone who guides others and leads the group. This image makes me think of a dictator type leader telling the Pawns what to do and not working with them to facilitate the group or team to lead them to success. A true leader is a facilitator, a coach, a mentor and not just a dictator dictating what to do next.
This challenge was created by Amanda Smith of Spark Within Me--https://sparkwithinme.wordpress.com/
Wednesday, August 10, 2016
Day 10 of #SWMBlogChallenge Ten Things that Make Me Happy
Ten Things That Make Me Happy:
- Spending time with friends and family
- Spending time with my pets
- Watching a light bulb go off when a child learns something new particularly my students and celebrate those milestones and academic and personal successes
- Connecting with new people via Live Streaming platforms and Social Media
- Watching my favorite television shows that I am invested in
- Watching a good movie
- Reading a good book
- Learning something new
- Listening to a great webinar or conference call training
- Working my direct sales businesses and gaining new customers and team members
Tuesday, August 9, 2016
Day 9 #SWMBlogChallenge Something I Struggle With
Our topic for Day 9 is to share something we struggle with and I think the biggest thing I struggle with is consistency. I know what I need to do and I know it should be done but I struggle with staying consistent in some areas. I'll fully admit I struggle to stay consistent with this Blog. I have plenty of content to share, but I struggle to find and take the time to share it. Hopefully, as time moves forward that will change. Perhaps this challenge will get me Blogging more frequently since I plan to properly finish the challenge in time. Only time will tell. I will definitely be making it a personal goal to fix this struggle to the best of my ability.
This Blogging challenge was created by Amanda Smith at Spark Within Me https://sparkwithinme.wordpress.com/
Monday, August 8, 2016
The Best Part About My Weekend Day 8 #SWMBlogChallenge
The best part about my weekend is that I get to choose how I spend my days. I get to choose if I want to go to the pool, watch a movie, hang out with friends, stay on the couch all day watching television, etc. During the week I am at work all day and by the time the day is over and I am home and can choose how I spend my nights I have very limited time before it is bedtime and time to start all over again with the cycle. So when I get to fully choose how I spend my day, it is a blessing. I take full advantage of my off time and weekends for that reason.
This Blogging challenge was created by Amanda Smith at Spark Within Me https://sparkwithinme.wordpress.com/
This Blogging challenge was created by Amanda Smith at Spark Within Me https://sparkwithinme.wordpress.com/
Sunday, August 7, 2016
My Favorite Recipe Day 7 of #SWMBlogChallenge Mac and Cheese Davis Family Style
So I do not have a picture of it, nor do I have the exact recipe at this moment, but my favorite recipe by far is the Davis Family Mac and Cheese recipe that has been passed down in my family. I can tell you what it consists of though. We of course have macaroni pasta noodles and cheese (we prefer Sharp cheddar). Then, we add a dash of milk and canned diced tomatoes and the juice. It is super yummy and is a nice twist to your traditional mac and cheese. One day, if I don't forget I will try to update this post with the exact recipe and a picture of it. :-)
This Blogging challenge was created by Amanda Smith at Spark Within Me https://sparkwithinme.wordpress.com/
Saturday, August 6, 2016
Someone who inspires me---My Grandma, may she rest in peace---#SWMBlogChallenge Day 6
My Grandmother Campbell truly inspires me. She loved history and she was a great role model. She was a big influence on my life growing up and I will always remember the impact she made on my life. She doesn't have a special story, she was just her, but she did do wonderful things with her life and raised four children and five grandchildren. She was a major part of all of our lives and took us as her grandchildren on boy scout trips (my cousin), on day trips (my brother and I), and she was always there when any one of us needed her. My brother and I spent many summer days at her house growing up and I spent my ninth grade year going to her house after school every day. I can only hope to be the kind of mother and grandmother she was one day. Here is a video I did back in May for the PeriGirls PGHonor initiative "Honoring the Women in Our Lives" where I talked about this grandmother.
This Blogging challenge was created by Amanda Smith at Spark Within Me https://sparkwithinme.wordpress.com/
Join Periscope PeriGirls at www.perigirls.com
Follow me on Periscope @amandabeautytip
What is at the top of my bucket list? --- #SWMBlogChallenge Day 5
I have been thinking about this question all day. What is at the top of my bucket list? I think that if I had a bucket list, it would definitely be travel related. I think the biggest thing that is at the top of my bucket list is to travel to as many places as I can in my lifetime. To date, I still have not done a lot of traveling. Every summer my family goes to the Outer Banks and I have been to the Virginia Blue Ridge Mountains several times. I have traveled to Savannah, Georgia and Hershey, Pennsylvania but those have been the farthest south and north and I have not left the east coast of the United States. Yeah I still have a lot of traveling to do. :-)
This challenge was created by Amanda Smith at Spark Within Me https://sparkwithinme.wordpress.com/
Thursday, August 4, 2016
My Favorite Quote...Day 4 #SWMBlogChallenge
“But the most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself. And if you can find someone to love the you you love, well, that's just fabulous.”--Carrie Bradshaw, Sex and the City
A quote that has resonated with me since I heard it is the one above from the writers of Sex and the City. It is the final line of the original series said by Carrie Bradshaw. I think it is super important to love yourself and take care of yourself and if you find someone that loves you for YOU, then that is wonderful. I think it truly speaks to how we do not need another person to make us happy, but when we do find someone to love, a life partner, husband or wife, then it makes life all the merrier, but it is not necessary to lead a happy, healthy, successful life.
This challenge was created by Amanda Smith of Spark Within Me--https://sparkwithinme.wordpress.com/
Wednesday, August 3, 2016
My Blogging Story---Day 3 #SWMBlogChallenge
I was always someone that would go through phases of journaling, including a time that I kept an electronic journal for several months and that was lost when my old laptop crashed because it was saved as a Word Document. A few years ago, I started Blogging to try to grow my direct sales business as an Avon Representative. A few months after that I got the idea to start this Blog with more personal Blog posts versus Business Blog posts so that I could have people get to know ME. I have enjoyed coming back to this Blog and seeing where it has come from when I started. I have grown in confidence and have come to realize that all that matters is what I think of the Blog and what I want to share with readers and if someone reads it, that's wonderful, but if not then it is okay. I am super excited to continue to see this Blog grow and continue to share my story with the people that choose to read.
This Blog Challenge was founded by Amanda Smith of A Spark Within Me--https://sparkwithinme.wordpress.com/
This Blog Challenge was founded by Amanda Smith of A Spark Within Me--https://sparkwithinme.wordpress.com/
Tuesday, August 2, 2016
My August 2016 Goals #SWMBlogChallenge
I am someone that is famous for setting long term goals without setting short term goals on how I would like to accomplish the long term goals. I am also someone who will set goals without setting a plan. I am also someone who will set goals, set a plan, and then not follow through with the plan. I think you probably get it.
Anyway, for the month of August I would like to complete this Blogging challenge and Blog at least once per day to complete the challenge without missing a day. I would also like to complete the Savvy Sexy Social Vlog Every Day in August otherwise known as #SSSVEDA challenge on my Facebook Live for my Amanda D. Business Page and go Live on FB Live every day in the month of August. I am also working on the PeriNewbies (PeriNewbies.com) 100 Scope Challenge for Periscope and I would like to complete that challenge without missing a day/stay up with it through the month of August. I will continue to scope almost every day (only some Sunday's may be off days) for the PeriGirls (PeriGirls.com) group and the PeriGirls Heart Tribes 2.0 (www.hearttribes.com) group also on Periscope.
The links for my Facebook Page and Periscope Account are to the right of this post on the side of the page if you wish to follow along on those outlets.
This challenge was created by Amanda Smith of A Spark Within Me Blog. (https://sparkwithinme.wordpress.com/)
Anyway, for the month of August I would like to complete this Blogging challenge and Blog at least once per day to complete the challenge without missing a day. I would also like to complete the Savvy Sexy Social Vlog Every Day in August otherwise known as #SSSVEDA challenge on my Facebook Live for my Amanda D. Business Page and go Live on FB Live every day in the month of August. I am also working on the PeriNewbies (PeriNewbies.com) 100 Scope Challenge for Periscope and I would like to complete that challenge without missing a day/stay up with it through the month of August. I will continue to scope almost every day (only some Sunday's may be off days) for the PeriGirls (PeriGirls.com) group and the PeriGirls Heart Tribes 2.0 (www.hearttribes.com) group also on Periscope.
The links for my Facebook Page and Periscope Account are to the right of this post on the side of the page if you wish to follow along on those outlets.
This challenge was created by Amanda Smith of A Spark Within Me Blog. (https://sparkwithinme.wordpress.com/)
Monday, August 1, 2016
Day 1 #SWMBlogChallenge Introduce Yourself

My name is Amanda Davis and I am a full time early childhood educator, currently teaching one year olds. I have been a teacher for four years and this coming up school year will be my fifth year. I graduated with my Master's degree in Early and Elementary Education in May 2012. I am also in direct sales and have been for five years this month. I have been a Blogger since 2013 and I have been writing on this Blog since 2014. I have a chocolate lab, Kodiak and a cat, Bob that live with my parents, but they are family pets. I currently have another female dog, Cookie and a Beta Fish and a Guinea Pig that live with my boyfriend and I. I also have a younger brother.
I found this challenge through the founder Amanda Smith who is @MsAmandaSmith11 on Periscope and Instagram. Her blog is https://sparkwithinme.wordpress.com/ and she will be posting the challenge topic there. Woo hoo! Let's get this month started!
(804) 594-3525
(804) 594-3525
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